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from Organizing Committee Chair – Tim Dool

Welcome to Port Colborne and the 2024 National Para Hockey Championships. Bienvenue à Port Colborne et aux Championnats nationaux de parahockey 2024.


Brock Niagara Penguins and the Niagara Thunderblades are pleased and excited to have this opportunity to support and promote accessible sport in Niagara and to watch the intense competition and athleticism of Canada’s top provincial para hockey players.


The Thunderblades, Niagara’s Intermediate sledge hockey team is proud to have two current players, Jessie Gregory and Sheena Darnley, join former player Aidan Godin as competitors in this year’s Championships. Jessie and Sheena also represent Canada as members of Canada’s Women’s Para Hockey team along with former Thunderblade Christina Picton. Christina is a current Nordic skiing and biathlon Paralympian who returned to Team Canada ‘s Women’s Para Hockey where she has been a leader since 2006.


The Thunderblades’ tradition of achievement of excellence is also highlighted by Kevin Rempel from Vineland, who won gold with Team Canada in the 2013 World Championships and is a Paralympian bronze medalist for Canada in the 2014 Paralympics. Paul Rylett is Niagara’s Mr. Sledge Hockey as he founded our team over 30 years ago and continues to Coach. The Nationals could not have happened without our other Presenting Partners; the Ontario Sledge Hockey Association, the City of Port Colborne and the Ontario Hockey Federation and without the support of our over fifty sponsors who provided the means necessary both to fund this event and to fund programs such us Try Me which will help to increase future participation in para hockey in Niagara.


Thank you to our many volunteers who have played a significant role in putting on the tournament with their expertise, helpful assistance and many hours at the Vale Centre and to our qualified game officials from Niagara and Southern Ontario who will officiate the Nationals.


Our Organizing Committee has worked tirelessly for months to put on the best Nationals possible so everyone; players, spectators, officials and volunteers will have great memories of May 16-19.


It’s a Great Day for Para Hockey! C’est un grand jour pour le parahockey!


2024 NPHC Organizing Committee

Tim Dool, Chair and Manager Niagara Thunderblades

James Titmarsh, Tournament Director

Karen McAllister-Kenney, Financial Coordinator

Greg Wight and Sandra Sabo, Co-Chairs Sponsorship and Promotion

Chris Charlebois, Activities and Protocol Coordinator

Bill Fenwick, School Participation Coordinator

Bob Kennedy, Referee-in- Chief

Watch players from across Canada compete in a province vs. province tournament courtesy of the students and faculty of the Niagara College School of Media


May 16th to 19th, 2024

Host Venue:

Vale Health and Wellness Centre

550 Elizabeth St, Port Colborne, ON L3K 5W3


Host Venue:

Vale Health and Wellness Centre

550 Elizabeth St, Port Colborne, ON L3K 5W3

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